I pulled into the gas station to fill up the truck for the first time. I shook my head at the price per gallon listed on the pump, and then fell back against the truck in shock at the total price once it was filled. Reaching to put the gas cap back on, I knocked it off its ledge and watched it roll under the truck. “Really,” I thought to myself, “on such a warm day wearing my dress pants and a white shirt, I have to get on my hands and knees to get this cap?”
As I reached under the truck, there it was, resting right next to the cap, shining at me. I smiled and picked it up. I turned it over in my hands to examine it further; sure enough, it was a nickel. I hugged it in my hand, thanked God and smiled remembering what my children had suggested about finding money. Suddenly all the problems of the morning were gone.
It was 3 months earlier as I drove the kids to school, Lauren next to me in the front seat, Megan and Carson in the back; Carson sitting in the middle to avoid the booster seat he feels he’s too big for. “What’s that quarter for?” Lauren asked referring to the quarter that was sliding back and forth on the dashboard.
“I found it outside my coffee shop yesterday.” My innocent response provoked a conversation that changed my view of simple coins.
“We sure seem to be finding a lot of money,” Carson said.
“Well, I wouldn’t say a quarter is a lot of money”, I replied.
“But Dad, we have been finding a lot of coins lately,” Lauren chimed in.
“Why do you think that is?” I asked.
Megan answered first, “I think God is giving us the money.” Carson agreed.
Lauren added, “I think God is giving it to us and telling us that money is everywhere.”
“Really, why would He do that?” I asked which continued a conversation that concluded with all of us agreeing on a new perspective on finding pennies.
We concluded that there’s an abundance of money out there, you just have to open ourselves up to it; stop blocking it from coming to us with thoughts about not having enough. It’s as if God is saying, “You want more money, here it is. I’ve got plenty for you.” Then He throws coins in front of us to prove it.
“What I can’t give to you,” He continues, “are the really important things in life that you have to earn.”
Each day I hope to remember that it’s not about the money. It’s about the effects on others. It’s about love, respect, learning, teaching and growing – it’s about Family.
It’s about a daughter who sends you a card stating “Father of the Year” and reminds me to start working on next year.
It’s about waiting 15 minutes for a 10-year-old and her friend to catch up, and then crossing the finish line of her first 10K run holding hands.
It’s about a son who goes to his first football camp and can’t stop talking about it for weeks.
It’s about the 4-year-old getting his finger stuck in the truck window and needing some ice, a band-aid and a kiss to recover. And it’s about his twin brother helping him out of the truck and getting the ice for him.
It’s about coming home every night to the incredible woman who takes care of all of us and being able to so gratefully call her my wife.
How much do you want to bet I find a penny on the street today?
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